Ambassador Bootcamp - Brisbane 2024

25 June 2024

FREE Teacher PD Opportunity - Brisbane, 5-6th September 2024 Lutheran Teachers, Chaplains, Principals...

Ambassador Bootcamp - Melbourne 2024

29 May 2024

FREE Teacher PD Opportunity - Melbourne, 26-27th August 2024 Lutheran Teachers, Chaplains, Principals...

Walk My Way Ukraine

15 July 2024

Thank you for supporting Walk My Way Ukraine!   

Walk My Way Ukraine - Report Back

11 July 2024

On Saturday 11 May, an inspiring group of Queenslanders stepped out at...

Projects helping and educating people
  • Fully accredited with the Australian Government

  • Compliant signatory to ACFID’s Code of Conduct

  • ACNC Tick of Charity Registration

  • Find Out More

"God does not need your good works,
but your neighbour does."


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Gifts of Grace

Fishing Kit

Hook, line and thinker!

Support a family through the gift of a fishing kit.

Gift in your Will

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How do you want to be remembered?

Now you can keep blessing others with a gift in your Will...

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