Your love at work

Meet the people you help. Hear their stories. Share in the joy of their thank you to you!

Papua New Guinea

20 September 2017

PNG Landslide Disaster – Your ALWS Action

Families in Papua New Guinea have been devastated by landslides

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20 September 2017

Ambassador Bootcamp – Melbourne 2024

FREE Teacher PD Opportunity – Melbourne, 26-27th August 2024 Lutheran Teachers, Chaplains, Principals...

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20 September 2017

Hope Spot 19 – Your good news in a world of bad news

You're giving hope to Children of war in Myanmar

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20 September 2017

What a Walk!

850 people stepped out in ALWS Walk My Way Ukraine!

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20 September 2017

Hope Spot 18 – Whatever way you walk

850 people stepped out in ALWS Walk My Way Ukraine!

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20 September 2017

Sunflowers of Hope for Ukraine

On Saturday 11 May, an inspiring 872 Queenslanders stepped out at ALWS’...

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20 September 2017

Hope Spot 17 – Rain

Families you support through ALWS in Kenya, especially in the refugee camps,...

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20 September 2017

Hope Spot 16 – Walking the front line in Ukraine

Together, we're helping families on the front line in Ukraine.

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20 September 2017

Your radio message of hope!

Jonathan shares his interview on Messages of Hope.

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20 September 2017

Hope Spot 15 – Your radio message of hope!

Jonathan shares his interview on Messages of Hope.

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