published in ChildrenEducationRefugees on February 26, 2018

School for Refugee Children

According to the UN, there are more than 22 million refugees in the world right now – the most since World War 2.
More than half of these refugees are children.

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How long should a child stay in a refugee camp?

Once they reach safety in camps like those the ALWS family supports through our partner Lutheran World Federation at Kakuma and Dadaab in Kenya, the average time people spend in a refugee camp is 17 years.

Additionally, many children may have suffered trauma what they experienced or witnessed as they fled to safety.

For these two reasons, education is one of the greatest gifts you can give refugee children.

School helps children recover from trauma by offering safety, stability, routine, play and fun, new friends, and even a regular hot meal each day.

What’s more, education is a gift no one can ever take away – whether the child returns home, is resettled in a new country, or stays at the refugee camp.

Through ALWS, you support the practicalities of education – training of teachers, classroom repairs, text-books and stationery, and school uniforms.

In Kenya, children are taught in English, using the Kenyan curriculum, and can achieve nationally-recognised certificates.

With the refugees you support at camps in Djibouti, the national government has now taken over responsibility for educating refugee children, ensuring they too can achieve recognised certification. The teaching here is also in English.

So, no matter how long a child must stay in a refugee camp, you can support them with a gift no one can ever take away – education. Donate now.

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