Kakuma and Dadaab Refugee Camps are home to almost 483,000 refugees, who have fled conflict and food shortages in South Sudan, Somalia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, and other countries. Quality inclusive education, support to improve people's psychosocial wellbeing, and care for those with special needs are vital.


Kakuma Refugee Assistance Project & Dadaab Refugee Assistance Program


Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei settlement, Host community & Dadaab Refugee Camp – Kenya


25,686 participants in Kakuma and 46,136 participants in Dadaab


LWF Kenya-Somalia

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Taught to teach

The refugee settlements at Kakuma, Kalobeyei and Dadaab in Kenya host nearly half a million people, despite this being the country’s second poorest county. A critical issue is making sure children have access to safe quality education.

Khadra is a 17 year old Somali girl, living in one of the Kenyan refugee camps you support through ALWS. Like so many girls in the Horn of Africa, she faced missing out on education  simply because of her gender:
“I was tempted to drop out of school and get married. The poverty and lack of basic necessities in my family stressed me, and I was tempted to run away from home. I was very lonely. Some of my friends who had dropped out of school earlier and got married persuaded me to follow in their footsteps.”

Through ALWS, and our partner LWF Kenya, you make sure the rights and needs of girls are not forgotten. For Khadra, as well as the practical support of renovated classrooms, school materials and trained teachers, it was joining an LWF Girl’s Empowerment Club at school:
“We attend psychosocial sessions where counsellors from LWF speak to us and advise us on life issues and how to navigate them. I have gained tremendous confidence in the past one year. I continue to receive encouragement from teachers and counsellors which help to build my self-esteem.

“The heavy burden that I felt in my mind has lifted and I am happier now.”

“Now I am the class prefect of Class Eight. I also counsel other girls who are unsure about themselves. We sit together twice a month and speak to each other. I have made up my mind to finish primary school, join secondary school and build a career.”


Find out more about...

  Kakuma Refugee Camp
  What   Kakuma Refugee Assistance Project 
  Local Partner   LWF Kenya-Somalia
  Where   Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei
  settlement, Host community
  Who   25,686 participants 
  ALWS Action   $350,000


The refugee settlements at Kakuma and Kalobeyei in Kenya host nearly quarter of a million people, despite this being the country’s second poorest county. A critical issue is making sure children have access to safe quality education.


  Dadaab Refugee Camp
  What   Dadaab Refugee Assistance Program
  Local Partner   LWF Kenya-Somalia
  Where   Dadaab Refugee Camp – Kenya
  Who   46,136 participants 
  ALWS Action   $50,000


Dadaab Refugee Complex in Kenya is home to over 232,903 refugees and asylum seekers, mostly from Somalia and only 59% of eligible
children are enrolled in school. The youth population in Dadaab is 91,323 and faces challenges such as unemployment, discrimination, and limited access to basic services and opportunities like education and sports due to donor fatigue and resource mobilization and this project aims to address these barriers and improve the well-being of the youth in the camp. 

Kakuma Refugee Camp

  • 20,758 (9,204m, 11,554f) new asylum seekers were received and accommodated at Kakuma, and Kalobeyei Reception centres
  • 1038 (719m, 319f) youths participated in Kakuma Got Talent culture and arts event
  • 340 (202m,138f) members of community peace committees were trained in conflict management and mitigation
  • 1842 (1101m, 741f) children with disabilities were provided with access to equal opportunities in an inclusive learning environment during the reporting period
  • 642 (250m, 392f) local and area advisory council members
  • 629 (233m, 396f) community members were engaged in community level awareness raising advocacy
  • 437 adolescents (182m and 255f) from refugee and host communities received life skills training

Dadaab Refugee Camp

  • 37,289 (20,679m, 16,610f) learners were provided with quality, inclusive and safe learning environments
  • 4,781 (2,463m, 2,318f) PSNs were supported with various specific and specialised services through the Community-Based Protection at the CBRC, Home-based care support and/ or referrals to the relevant partner agencies in the camp
  • 4,066 (3,333m, 733f) youth were meaningfully engaged and empowered through various focused and youth led protection  activities/initiatives.

Thank you!

In Kakuma

It is important to try out different approaches for project delivery for example in 2022 our partners used a peer-to-peer life skills training with adolescent girls.

Participants have been able to form their own groups and facilitate a life skills training session with them resulting in greater reach and effectiveness.

In Dadaab

Access to basic services such as physiotherapy, hearing, and sight assessment, and the related follow up support at an early stage such as those provided at the Community Based Rehabilitation centre supported by the project can make the difference between a child receiving or completely missing out in education and a social life.

In Kakuma

Due to increased awareness and training our partners are progressively overcoming prejudices and social beliefs that have been barriers to women and girls fully participating in community activities. With the increased participation of women, partners are realising greater ownership and success of projects.

In Dadaab

The community-based rehabilitation model that is being used by the project for education and social inclusion, and which is the only one of its kind in Country, has enabled close to 5,000 people living with disabilities and special needs receive support.
This is higher than the average support received country wide.



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