published in EducationFarmerFarming / AgricultureLivelihoods / Small Business / New SkillsWomen / Girls on April 4, 2018

From brick factory ‘slave’ to farmer

When you meet Kamala Jaishi at her village Pathriya in Nepal now, you meet a successful farmer and inspiring leader.

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From factory ‘slave’ to farming success

Yet, before the help of the ALWS family working with Australian Government support, Kamala’s life was very different:

“I used to work in a brick factory.

It was hot, dusty and very difficult work. I had to work hard from 7am to 8pm at night–I had no time to spend with my family or to see my children.

What made it worse is my husband suffers from epilepsy. I had to provide main income for the family. I had no in-laws around to help me. It was very difficult.

The work in the brick factory was not always regular so I had to take loans, and then it was hard to pay them back. Nobody in the community would trust me anymore for loans.”

Life changed for Kamala when she joined an Education Program you support through ALWS and LWF Nepal. Kamala’s face lights up when she explains what your help means to her:

“The program changed my life.

Here I gained some basic literacy and learnt about vegetable farming. Previously I had only known about my husband’s practices of growing and marketing, but now I was learning much more.

We formed a savings and loans group, and work together to invest our shares. We have also been supported with an irrigation pump.

Selling my vegetables I can now make regular savings of 50 rupees ($0.64 AUS) each month.

I am really happy. I am now working at my own place and spending time with my family, and can take better care of my children. I see greater priority for the education of my children. I can meet my basic needs and the treatment of my husband.

I am self-employed and feel more happy and confident.

The women asked me to be chairperson of the Group. At first I did not want to, as I did not have much confidence, but now one year later I am the chairperson.

If others like me can benefit, that will make me happy.”

Your kindness doesn’t just support Kamala to grow vegetables, it grows confidence, leadership and initiative too – and those are skills that can transform a family’s life forever. Thank you!

ALWS gratefully acknowledges the support of the Australian Government in Nepal through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

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