Cast off a Canoe


Float for Business

When Matiop’s farm in South Sudan was flooded, all his livestock was lost. The land has been under water now for years, so Matiop had to find a new way to provide for his family. He took up fishing, with a single spear. Then, through ALWS, Matiop received a Fishing Kit of nets and hooks so he could catch more fish. Soon there was enough to have extra to sell. He learned fish-preservation methods like smoked, salted, and sun-dried, so he could extend the time he could sell his fish. Matiop made enough profit to buy some goats to breed as a back-up business. If ever fishing fails, he can sell the goats to support his family. What Matiop hopes for now is an improved canoe, so he can row out into deeper water, and increase his catch still further, so his children can complete a full education.

“After losing everything to floods, my life was shattered. My children ceased from attending school and my family was extremely starved. Now, I am free! My children are back to school, and I am able to pay for their medication.”

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