published in ChildrenEmergencyRefugeesWomen / Girls on April 4, 2018

An Oasis of Peace

“Za’atari camp has been the home of me and my children for 5 years now. I came here together with my 4 daughters and 1 son without my husband, who is still in Syria. I have not heard from him since then, but there are rumours that he might be in prison.

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Peace found in a refugee camp

My second son also stayed in Syria, but is afraid of going to Damascus to search for his father because it is too dangerous… It is very hard for me to take care of my children and manage everything on my own here in the camp.

I am grateful for every help and support I get. I heard about the LWF psycho-social support sessions and decided to join in. The program helps me very much in my daily life.

The facilitators helped me to eventually overcome some fears. In the LWF Peace Oasis I also found a safe space for me and my children to meet with others and benefit from the other programs. I have been going to the women’s awareness sessions, where I learned more about my own rights as well as the rights of my children.

I used to not listen to the opinions of my kids, but during the sessions I realised that they have a right to be heard. Now I try to listen more to what they have to say, and to include them in my decision-making. Ever since then, our relationship became much better, and I started to spread the news to my friends and relatives, so that they, too, can benefit from what I have learned.”

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