published in Education on June 9, 2021

Help children in Somalia go to school

You can use a 5:1 Australian Government Grant to help reach our goal of 10,000 refugee children in school!

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

See that smile?

Joy like this happens when a refugee child can finally go to school.

Thanks to people like you who walked or supported Walkers through Walk My Way…

…our ALWS family is now helping 9,082 refugee children go to school for one year!



ALWS can use an ongoing grant from the Australian Government to help us reach our target of 10,000 children!

The Grant will match 5:1 any donations for children in the Somalia camps to go to school! There are 1,500 children here, desperate for school, and we can make sure they don’t miss out.

If you’d like to use the 5:1 Grant to support more children, you are most welcome. It’s $26 per child per year.

Your donation is matched 5:1 with the Australian Government Grant, and is also fully tax-deductible.

DONATE NOW or call 1300 763 407. 



When you go into a refugee camp, you soon see how much school means to children.

I remember talking to the teacher of a class of 60 Somali children, most of them only four or five years old. The teacher told me some of the children were still recovering from bullet-wounds and machete wounds.

The children, like little Maryan, were full of smiles …

… but the teacher said if there was a sudden loud noise, children would scream and hide under their desks.

Many had nightmares, or would wet themselves, or simply begin crying.

 That’s trauma. That’s what school can help heal.

School shows children that life can be normal again. They have a routine, a place they must be, people waiting for them.

They can make friends. Have fun. Sing. Run around without worrying about stray bullets. Make lots of noise, knowing they don’t have to hide and be quiet.

Best of all, the education you give is something no one can ever take away. You are a blessing ALWayS.




Your help in Somalia is especially important for girls.

Too many Somali girls are forced by poverty to drop out of school. They are in danger of early marriage, as young as 12. They may have babies before their body is ready. Others are forced to be child labourers, or soldiers.

Omav is Maryan’s sister. She was 15 when she told me what happened to her:

“I was coming from school when they kidnapped me.

They took me to another family and used to beat me. I was so frightened. I was crying because they were detaining me.

They locked me in the house. They beat me daily.

I don’t know how it happened, but a man came and took me to my mother. 

Now I want to get a good education, and perhaps I can be a teacher.”

What happened was that Omav’s mum went to the kidnappers and demanded her daughter back. She was beaten, and shot – but brought Omav home. (Even now, many years later, I am inspired by this mother’s love and courage.)

No girl should suffer horror like Omav did.

We must make sure these girls aren’t forgotten. That’s why your 5:1 gift of $26 to support a Somali girl in school is precious.

Your $26 per child donation can help provide:

  • learning materials (books and pencils)
  • training for refugee teachers
  • school uniform
  • lunch at school each day
  • clean water to protect against COVID-19
  • Dignity Kits for girls (sanitary napkins, soap etc)




Sebit is one of the children at Kakuma Refugee Camp supported to go to school through Walk My Way. 

In this two minute video, Sebit explains what a blessing education is – thank you!



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