published in Poverty on March 19, 2021

He’s a cocky one…

Assistant Bishop for Mission SA/NT shares why he’s stepping out in love in 2021.

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The time has come to break off the shackles of 2020 and hit the road in 2021!

The COVID pandemic has shown just how connected we are as a human race.

Our world has been turned on its head with lots of places experiencing lockdowns and the loss of certain freedoms.

A hard lockdown in South Australia in November only lasted a couple of days.

Initially we were denied even the ability to leave our homes for exercise. I felt the effects of this after about 5 minutes.

I love to walk and the thought of having to do my normal 8km in a circuit around a small back yard about 160 times didn’t inspire me.

After 3 circuits our Cockie thought I had lost the plot and started squawking at me!!!

So given there are no more lockdowns – I will be on the road for Walk-my-Way in 2021.

I want to celebrate that I have the freedom to be out and about.

But I also want to walk in solidarity and support for my refugee brothers and sisters who have done it much tougher than I in 2020.

They had to confront the anxiety of COVID without access to the same quality of health care I take for granted every day.

We are connected as a human race.

We are in this together.

Support Walk my Way in 2021.

Celebrate life, freedom and the ability to stand together with your brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Assistant Bishop for Mission SA/NT Stephen Schultz

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