published in Hope Spots 2024Refugees on June 20, 2024

Hope Spot 22 – Where in the ‘World Refugee Day’?

Your making an impact in the lives of Refugees around the World.

I don’t know how long your family has been in Australia.


My great grandfather was 10 years old when he boarded a ship in Hamburg with his dad in 1856 to start a new life in Australia. While not refugees in the strictest sense …


… the family did flee Prussia because of persecution of their Christian faith.


Today is World Refugee Day.


There are 117.3 million people who are not celebrating the Day.


That’s because they have been forcibly displaced from their homes – either as refugees to another country, or searching for safety inside their own country.


Tragically, this number is an 8% increase on the previous year.


What you might not know is that 75% of those forcibly displaced people are being cared for in low and middle-income countries.


(Australia is a high-income country – in the Top 10 developed countries in the world, according to the UN Human Development Index.)


All this is why you are important.


Through ALWS, you care for forcibly displaced people in refugee camps like Kakuma and Dadaab in Kenya, and at Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh … 


… for Ukrainian refugees in places like Poland, and displaced Ukrainians in Kharkiv, on the front-line of the war with Russia


… and in Displaced Persons Camps in Somalia, and Rakhine State in Myanmar (with 5:1 Grant from the Australian Government).


So, while World Refugee Day may not be a day for ‘celebration’ …


… I do celebrate you.


Your kindness and compassion to people forced to flee their homes is an example to the world of what it means to bring love to life.


Through ALWS, you go where in the world you are needed.


I saw what your love can do when I met a class of children in a Temporary Learning Space inside a Displaced Persons Camp in Myanmar.


Photo: ALWS/Magdalena Vogt


The classroom was built by our ALWS partner, Lutheran World Federation, thanks to donations from people like you through ALWS. I asked the children (left to right) what they aim to do with the education you give them:


Asia Si Di Ka:               I am in Grade 2, and I want to be a Teacher.”


Gul Bar:                     “I am in Grade 2 and I want to be a Teacher.”


Lie Lar Bay Gon:      “I am in Grade 2 and want to be an Engineer.”


Raw Fade:                 “I am in Grade 4 and want to be a Doctor.”


Nu Nar:                      “I am in Grade 4 and want to be a Doctor.”


Ray Zu Wa Na:         “I am in Grade 3 and want to be an Engineer.”


Ma Med Fa Rule:      “I am in Grade 3 and want to be a Doctor.”


These children are all around the same age as my great grandfather was when he fled to Australia 170 years ago.


Carl Heinrich Krause worked the land. His son became a butcher. His son became a teacher. His son became – well, me, blessed to work for you here at ALWS.


Who can tell what your kindness investment in children of war in Myanmar can do, and where in the world the education you provide may take them …


… but look at how the children I met have started:


Doctor (x 3).             Engineer (x 2).        Teacher (x 2).


All ways they can help their community.


Growing the impact your kindness planted.


That is something to celebrate on World Refugee Day.


It’s why you are a blessing ALWayS. Thank you!



PS: There’s still time to use the 5:1 Australian Government Grant to help children of war in Myanmar to go to school. Safe learning spaces. Trained teachers. School materials. The 5:1 Grant increases your impact SIX TIMES. Donate 5:1 now!


PPS: Next year, ALWS celebrates 75 years of service. Your aid agency began in Bonegilla Migrant Centre (near Albury), welcoming people fleeing war-ravaged Europe as they came to Australia to start a new life. Now, you do the same for forcibly displaced people all around the world!



Your 5:1 donation is used wisely


♥ You help with practical care

Every donation you make to this project will be combined with funding from the Australian Government to reach more people. ALWS has committed to contribute $1 for every $5 received from the Australian government. The total Australian Government Grant that ALWS has allocated to Myanmar projects is $440,500.

Therefore, ALWS must raise $88,100 to fully match this 5:1 Grant. ALWS aims to do this by 30 June 2024. Should ALWS receive income beyond this amount, those funds will be used to support other ALWS projects that attract the 5:1 Government Grant, and other life-transforming ALWS projects.

Your donation will allow us to extend ALWS programs.


♥ You give ‘no strings attached’ aid

Information in this communication is based on data correct at time of writing, and may change. Funds and other resources designated for the purpose of aid and development will be used only for those purposes and will not be used to promote a particular religious adherence or to support a political party, or to promote a candidate or organisation affiliated to a particular party, or to support welfare activities as defined by DFAT. For more information, call: 1300 763 407


♥ Your kindness goes to work carefully

In 2023, ALWS ‘overheads’ (fundraising and administration costs as defined by ACFID Code of Conduct) were 15.43%. The 5 year average is 15.77%. A copy of the most current ALWS Annual Report can be viewed at or requested: 1300 763 407.


♥ Your privacy is important to us

ALWS collects personal information about you in order to process your gift. A copy of the ALWS Privacy Policy is available at If you don’t wish to receive further news from ALWS, simply call 1300 763 407 or write to

Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) is The Overseas Aid & Development Agency of the Lutheran Church of Australia – ABN 36 660 551 871

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