published in Toilets / Sanitation on April 4, 2018

Loo-k what your Loo can do

The ‘ingredients’ may vary from country to country, but include training in the importance of hygiene, skills-support in building a loo, and some of the materials required.

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Through Gifts of Grace, the ALWS family has donated the ‘ingredients’ for hundreds of Long Drop Loos in countries like Cambodia, Nepal and Indonesia.

Families are required to make their own contribution – eg some of the cost, labour, building the privacy shelter – to ensure they feel ownership of their new household asset.

Darmin Sakoikoi, from Indonesia, knows exactly what a difference a Long Drop Loo can make:

“Before we had this tank and latrine, we just had open defecation down the hill. It was more than 100 metres away.

I feel safer and more comfortable now with my own toilet near my house.”

In Indonesia, through ALWS partner CDRM&CDS, and with Australian Government support, you provide the pipes, cement, squatting plate and training.

The family you help provides the sand and labour, plus builds their own privacy enclosure.

Seeing the success of the Long Drop Loo they built can give a family like Darmin’s the confidence to work hard on other projects to lift their family out of poverty. As he says:

“I don’t have very much money …this is just how it is. When we have food and money, we have. And if not, we don’t have … but we still keep on working.”

Photo: ALWS

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