published in Sustainable Development on November 21, 2018

Motivated by love

Asterie lives with the people she serves as an ‘Animator’ for the LWF team you support in Burundi through ALWS. She supports the community to become strong and independent, and also teaches Adult Literacy. A former refugee from the war, abandoned by her husband after losing three babies in pregnancy, your support inspires Asterie to bring your love to life.

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“When LWF started here, we were like in the bush. We didn’t even wash ourselves – we didn’t look like human beings! 

But now we feel good and are thankful to LWF.

By the grace of God I was chosen as an animator in 2009.  LWF came and said they needed someone from our community. I got lots of votes, and became one of the leaders.  I had to do an exam, but by the grace of God he gave me the answers. 

LWF has also trained me to be a literacy teacher.

“I am motivated by love for my villagers,
and remembering how my situation was …”

I want others to experience change like me.

I walk to the nearby villages, maybe 2 kilometres or more to train others in literacy. It is difficult. My bike is ruined, so I always have to go on foot. In the rainy season we have no coats. I get hungry and tired.

I enjoy when people call on me to help because they have confidence in me.

I am glad that Australia is supporting us, and pray you keep on helping so that those behind can grow like us.”

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