published in ChildrenEducationFamilyRefugees on March 22, 2020

Multiply your help 11:1

Help desperate Rohingya families in Myanmar fleeing violence – and multiply your gift 11:1!

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Last year, caring people like you reached out through ALWS to help Rohingya people fleeing crisis in Myanmar. 

While your kindness through ALWS is already making a life-changing difference …

… the great news today is new ALWS partnerships can MULTIPLY 11 TIMES any help you give NOW!

You’ll see why you are needed when you come with me to a Displaced Persons Camp in Rakhine State and meet Nu Say Dar Tar.

Nu Say Dar Tar is the mum in the middle, and she faces a choice no parent should ever have to make.

“I want my children to have an education …
… but I may have to stop one child going to school
because we cannot afford the uniform.”

No uniform. Means no school. Means no future.

Instead, the culture may force marriage to a man much older than these 11 and 12 year old girls.

Babies before the body is ready.

Life little more than a labourer slave.

All dreams of a better life crushed.

Please send your ALWS help now to be multiplied 11:1 to protect Rohingya refugees from suffering.

The young girl on the left is Jo Hu Ra. She told me she wants to be a teacher:

“I want to share my knowledge
and experience with the children.”

Her sister, Sa Ji Da, wants to build a business where she can train other displaced people in tailoring, so they can start their own businesses to support themselves.

Who do you choose to have to miss out on school?

Who must be condemned to a life of hard labour?

This is where you and I step in.

Right now we can expand our care 11:1 to displaced Rohingya families, building partnerships on the proven good work you have done before through ALWS.

In Bangladesh, the Czech Republic has a grant available.

In Myanmar, the Australian Government is planning a huge effort to support people in the IDP Camps.

What these partnerships mean is that your donation can be MULTIPLIED 11:1!

Your Executive Summary details all the facts and figures.

The bottom line is ALWS aims to raise $89,031 to unlock programs with partners worth $1,025,384.

Make your gift now

We need to act quickly.

The work in Bangladesh starts now (through to December) … while the work in Myanmar aims to start in April (for 30 months).

You can see on this Action Plan exactly how your donation will be used.

In the refugee camps in Bangladesh, you will support:

  • repairing 200 latrines and 6 kilometres of drainage
  • providing Hygiene Kits to 1,000 families
  • supplementary food to 800 pregnant women
  • solar lanterns for 1,000 children (study and safety)
  • planting 16,000 trees – shade, fruit, medicinal
  • … and much more!

Meanwhile, in the IDP Camps in Myanmar, you help train hundreds of teachers in best practice child-centred education.

Read full Action Plan

You and I have a vital chance right now to help families who have fled what the UN International Court of Justice last month ruled on as genocide. 

It’s not easy work.

We are a Christian organisation, working to help Muslim refugees and IDPs, in Myanmar a Buddhist country.

That’s why your prayers are as precious as your kindness.

Thank you for bringing love to life for people you don’t know, in places you can’t go. Your honest, hard-working help takes generosity and compassion our world needs more of.

Give your help now

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