Papua New Guinea

published in Emergency on May 31, 2024

PNG Landslide Disaster – Your ALWS Action

Families in Papua New Guinea have been devastated by landslides

You will have seen news of the devastating landslide disaster in PNG.


As you know, ALWS plays a critical role supporting people in PNG’s least-developed communities to build a better future.


That’s why our hearts break when we see the facts of the disaster.


According to the UN International Organisation for Migration:


  • 670 people are feared dead
  • 150 houses are buried under 6 metres of mud
  • 4,000 other people are affected


You may not know that your ALWS action in PNG is fully funded by the Australian Government …


… or that our ALWS work is delivered by Lutheran churches, partnering with churches from six other denominations.


This Church Partnership Program is the most effective way to use local skills and resources to provide support where it is most need.


While our ALWS partner, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG, does not work in the Enga Province …


… ALWS stands ready to provide support from our Emergency Fund if we are called upon.


This is the way we can be most effective at this time.


In the meantime, your ALWS action (which started in 2004), will carry on:


  • Supporting inclusion of people with disability through Self-Help Groups
  • Training school leaders to work with peers to reduce conflict and violence

  • Support for school based counsellors 
  • Supporting farmers to increase harvest through different activities


As you can see, your ALWS action in PNG is very practical and down-to-earth.


The good news is this development work is all fully-funded by the Australian Government – a tribute to the quality of the work ALWS is supporting in PNG.


At the same time, you are welcome to donate to the ALWS Emergency Fund.


This is what we use to respond immediately to disasters, if we are called upon, and can be assured your ALWS action can be delivered effectively and efficiently.


Meanwhile, it is essential we don’t forget the other disasters happening in the world, that are so easily forgotten by the world’s media.


That’s why ALWS held our Walk My Way Ukraine in Brisbane a fortnight ago …


… and why this week you will receive news of a new 5:1 Australian Government Grant for the forgotten children of war in Myanmar.


You can donate 5:1 for Myanar now.


Thank you for opening your heart to people hurt by disaster – whether that be natural disasters, or those caused by human conflict.


Your care and kindness are a message of hope to those you help, and a positive example of the power of love in a world suffering so much.


You are a blessing ALWayS – thank you!



Your 5:1 donation is used wisely


♥ You help with practical care

Your donation to ALWS Emergency Fund will be used to respond to disasters where ALWS assesses our action can make an effective impact. Your 5:1 Myanmar donation will be combined with funding from the Australian Government to reach more people. ALWS has committed to contribute $1 for every $5 received from the Australian government. The total Australian Government Grant that ALWS has allocated to Myanmar projects is $440,500.


Therefore, ALWS must raise $88,100 to fully match this 5:1 Grant. ALWS aims to do this by 30 June 2024. Should ALWS receive income beyond this amount, those funds will be used to support other ALWS projects that attract the 5:1 Government Grant, and other life-transforming ALWS projects.


Your donation will allow us to extend ALWS programs.


♥ You give ‘no strings attached’ aid

Information in this communication is based on data correct at time of writing, and may change. Funds and other resources designated for the purpose of aid and development will be used only for those purposes and will not be used to promote a particular religious adherence or to support a political party, or to promote a candidate or organisation affiliated to a particular party, or to support welfare activities as defined by DFAT. For more information, call: 1300 763 407


♥ Your kindness goes to work carefully

In 2023, ALWS ‘overheads’ (fundraising and administration costs as defined by ACFID Code of Conduct) were 15.43%. The 5 year average is 15.77%. A copy of the most current ALWS Annual Report can be viewed at or requested: 1300 763 407.


♥ Your privacy is important to us

ALWS collects personal information about you in order to process your gift. A copy of the ALWS Privacy Policy is available at If you don’t wish to receive further news from ALWS, simply call 1300 763 407 or write to

Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) is The Overseas Aid & Development Agency of the Lutheran Church of Australia – ABN 36 660 551 871

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